Sunday, April 22, 2012

Weekly Comic Reviews

First off, I must apologize for the lateness of these reviews. Now that I'm becoming a writer for Unleash the Fanboy, getting these reviews up between Wednesday and Friday is tough. I will attempt to do better in the future. But for now, check out reviews for Avengers vs. X-Men #2, Justice League #8, and Amazing Spider-Man #685.

Avengers vs. X-Men #2.

                                       Official Description 
• As The Opening Shot Is Fired, The Avengers Storm The Beach Of Utopia, And The Phoenix Draws Ever Nearer To Earth! • But Which Side Will Wolverine Fight On? • And What Choice Will Hope Make That Will Change The Direction And Scope Of The Conflict Dramatically?

                                          THE GOOD

This comic was pretty darn exciting. It's basically what fans of both teams have dreamed about for a long time. Sure these teams have battled before, but nothing of this magnitude. Who doesn't want to see some satisfying, brutal action between Cyclops and Cap with some great writing to compliment it? The match-ups and fights are exciting. However, my personal favorite scene was when Spidey and Wolverine 'slipped' the battle to get Hope. It's moments like that when we know that Marvel doesn't forget the history with these characters.

                                            THE BAD

Well everything seems to be happening a bit too quickly. The war between the two teams just felt a bit pushed. Also, Cyclops seems extremely clouded in judgement. He just doesn't seem to be thinking clearly really at all. Spidey's dialogue is also much to be desired. Also, the dialogue sequence between Iron Man and Emma Frost bothered me a bit, it felt kinda strange.


Fantastic, John Romita Jr. continues to impress. His style with the characters make the battles come alive. Great cover also.


This is definitely one of the most exciting comics I've read in awhile. Even though it's non-stop fighting, it still manages to continue the story with some interesting developments. Now all we need is for Cyclops is to start acting like Cyclops.


Justice League #8

                                                   Official Description
In the five years that the Justice League has been a team, Green Arrow has never once been a member. And he intends to rectify that right here, right now! One member against his candidacy: Aquaman! Plus, in “The Curse of Shazam” part 2, Billy arrives in his new foster home just as an ancient evil is uncovered halfway across the world.

                                         THE GOOD

Did you see the way Superman was drawn and portrayed? He actually looks like a Superman, not a Super-teen. It's also nice to see him getting some GOOD dialogue for once. The action is fun, and I take back everything I've said about Cyborg in the past, he's a fantastic addition to the team. And you know, Steven Trevor isn't that bad anymore, I'm beginning to enjoy reading his character. The backup Shazam story is so far a great modern retelling of the origin of Earth's Mightiest Mortal.

                                            THE BAD

Nothing happened! It was practically filler! It was unimportant. It started out good, but ran into joke territory. Green Arrow *attempting* to join the the team on three occasions in the issue became a running gag. A lot of the dialogue is a joke. Geoff Johns is really beginning to remind me of Bendis. The writing is plain juvenile sometimes. Oh, and Billy Batson is a complete jerk! Why did they decide to make him an emo kid?


If there's any comic you should buy for the art, it's this. Carlos D'Anda takes over for art duties on this one, and honestly he's just as good as Jim Lee. There's an amazing splash page with the League battling Martian Manhunter. This is some of the best art currently in comics.


A rather disappointing issue. In fact, this is the worst one yet. Green Arrow and his dialogue are a complete joke. A lot of the writing here is below sub-par, even Batman isn't sometimes written correctly, he comes off as TOO arrogant in this issue. To be completely fair, the comic did have its few merits. Some of the banter between the League was admittedly funny, and the action is fun.This comic isn't an awful one, but not great.


Amazing Spider-Man #684

                                      Official Description
• Spider-Man’s Globetrotting Adventure Against The Sinister Six Moves To The Middle East For A Face Off Against…The Sandman! • In The Past, Spidey’s Fought Sandman On Beaches, In Quarries, But Never Like This – How Can Web-Head Hope To Defeat Sandman When He’s Controlling The Sahara Desert?! • Special Guest Stars: Black Widow And Silver Sable.

                                           THE GOOD

The story continues to be exciting and intriguing. Doc Ock continues to be a great main villain, his well-done but short dialogue with Spidey was very good. In fact, Dan Slott is at his finest here. Spidey is actually acting like how he used to. The writing here is great and often humorous. (Here's the best quote of the entire issue. After seeing Silver Sable's invisible jet, Spidey quips "An invisible jet? Sounds like something out of a comic book." Brilliant? Yes.) Also, I just want to say how awesome the new Spidey costume (technically armor) is. It's great and I hope it doesn't go away anytime soon. Also, the strange team up of Spidey, Black Widow, and Silver Sable works fabulously, it's something we haven't seen before. And I have to mention this, the way Spidey defeats Sandman is incredibly intelligent, I applaud Slott once again.

                                             THE BAD

Well I don't think all the nations of the world agreeing with Ock is a wise move. After all these years of these super villains pretending to be good, are they really going to buy that? I think not. The Sandman seems to be clouded in judgement, he only seems to be 'bad' because Slott wants him to be.


Humberto Ramos really surprised me here. He seems to be laying off the extremely cartoony art he normally applies. His style of art here really gives this book its own look. It makes the new Spidey suit look fantastic. However, the cover really bothers me. It's not bad for the most part, except Spidey. Why is he in his regular costume when in this arc he's using the new arnor? And what's up with those strange eyes on the mask? Sorry, but it looks really weird.


Another great addition to the Ends of the Earth story. Slott is using great dialogue, and the issue is just plain fun. This is by far the best Spidey story in awhile.


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