Thursday, May 10, 2012

Weekly Comic Reviews

Greetings all, here I am with this week's edition of the Weekly Comic Reviews. This time we have the third issue of Avengers Assemble and a surprise new #1.....G.I. Combat. Yes, I know this was released last week, but I hadn't realized until it was Monday. Once I saw that cover, how could I resist? Oh, before we begin, an announcement. The Weekly Comic Reviews will be leaving this blog and journey into Unleash the Fanboy starting next week. So be sure to check out that site. Now, let's get started, shall we? 
Avengers Assemble #3

Official Description
• Avengers versus the Zodiac! But who is behind the Zodiac? • PLUS! The reappearance of a team of characters you’ve been clamoring for!


Lots of fun, this issue was basically fights all over the place. Nothing beats relaxing with an all-out action packed comic. The majority of the Avengers character portrayals are great, especially Iron Man. (Fun writing there.) Satisfying action with some cool moments such as Hulk beating the living daylights out of a Zodiac member. Thor is at his best here. Pretty cool final page that makes you want the next issue in your hands right away.


Bendis is one of my least favorite writers currently in the industry, and this issue is icing on the cake. The writing just feels juvenile at times, especially for each and every Zodiac member. They all talk the same! Hulk's dialogue felt out of place and sounded like things Red Hulk would say. The character who appears on the last page has such generic dialogue, it's as if he's seeing these characters for the first time.


Some fantastic art here. The battles are colorful and the characters look great.


A fun action-packed issue. The writing is often borderline bad sometimes however, which is really the only thing holding it back from getting a powerful rating. Still, a pretty awesome final page that will make the reader come back next month for #4.


G.I. Combat #1

Official Description

• First issue of an ongoing series! • Featuring the first chapter of "WAR THAT TIME FORGOT" written by J.T. KRUL and with art by ARIEL OLIVETTI….and dinosaurs! • Plus: The first chapter of "UNKNOWN SOLDIER" by JUSTIN GRAY, JIMMY PALMIOTTI and artist DAN PANOSIAN focuses on all-out war in Afghanistan!


Dinosaurs! What can I say? You put these creatures in anything and I'm there. The first story feels like a classic giant monster movie, and that's a good thing. It's exciting and has DINOSAURS. They have plenty of screen time too, it's a blast. It's summer blockbuster action with America's favorite creatures. There was one part of the writing I liked a lot, where the main character's wife says "I want to know which part of the world to direct my prayers and Google for news." Good stuff. As for the second story, it's more serious and dark. It's quite a contrast to the other one. While it does not have the dinos, it's engaging in its own right. The 'Unknown Soldier' is such an intriguing character and I look forward to seeing where his story goes. The writing here in this one is really strong.


Sadly, the writing isn't that strong in the first story. Stuff you'd here in a generic summer blockbuster. Nothing Transformers awful, but not half as strong as Unknown Soldier.


Pretty dynamic art, the dinosaurs look INCREDIBLE. The splash page with Rod-I mean pterodactyl attacking the helicopter looks fantastic. When the flying dinos appear, it's just intense, all thanks to the art. The cover, wow, it's just fantastic. May just be the best cover this week.


There are two stories in this comic, and the one you're most likely buying it for is the first one. 'The War That Time Forget' is a fantastic start, featuring soldiers against dinosaurs. If that's not fun, I don't know what is. While the writing could have been a little better, it's a blast. The second story 'Unknown Soldier' is rather the opposite, it's character driven. The writing is stronger and it's just engaging from beginning to start. G.I. Combat looks to be the underrated comic from The New 52.


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