Monday, March 3, 2014

A Smile Says it All

There's a lot of harshness wherever you go. Whether you're in the 'glamorous' Las Vegas or Lower East Side, you'll run into plenty of cold-hearted people. That's why a smile is one of the greatest things in the world. It shows you giving acknowledgement to another individual. And it also makes you happier on the inside, a cool psychological effect.

Let's look at the Christain perspective.

One song I've recently discovered is 'Smile' by Kutless.

 Though everything's the same inside there's something real
A faith which causes me to change.
I think a smile says it all

In any given situation, the Christian has the ability to smile, even through the hardest of things. Why is that? Because we know Someone is always with us, and that we'll be experiencing true happiness in the end. As the Casting Crowns says it, "I will praise You in this storm." Look at it another way. The atheist, the unbeliever, doesn't have much reason to smile unless they're "high up in the food chain."

A non-believer struggling in various aspects of life has absolutely no reason to smile, because they have nothing to look forward to and more often than not feel alone with an emptiness inside. There's always the saying, "I'm lucky to be alive." But if one is living in poverty or struggling greatly in another area and doesn't have anything to look forward to, there's not much reason to be happy, or even pretend to be, is there?

Always smile. Even when you don't feel like it. You'll more often than not make someone else feel good. And especially if you're going to wear a cross chain, go to church, or call yourself a Christian, just remember that


1 comment:

  1. A smile can definitely make a difference. It's true that we have a lot to look forward to as Christians. No matter how dark life may be, it will end for us. We will be going to a much better place. For non-Christians, it's really sad to think of what lies in store for them. Converting as many people as possible is definitely what we must keep aiming for. Being a Christian also gives you a more positive outlook on life. Every day is a journey and anything can be interesting if given enough thought. We still have a lot of natural wonders that God created and they're spectacular. Just going to the park and seeing the surroundings can give you an appreciation of God's handiwork. That being said, I definitely can't wait to go to Heaven someday!
