Sunday, February 15, 2015

A Valentine for the Ages

Valentines Day every year is a source of great joy for many. It's a day to be thankful for the special person in one's life. Of course, one shouldn't treat their significant other extra special just for one day, rather the day should be a reminder of what a blessing it is to be united with a spouse/future spouse.

That's why for many, Valentines Day is a bit of a depressing day.

I've fallen victim to this type of thinking myself. It can definitely be a little disheartening to see everyone around you in relationships and you wanting the same thing. As this Valentine's Day approached, I felt a rather sad feeling that I tried to suppress. Instead of sulking, I decided to go to the Lord in prayer, something we need to do more often. I prayed about finding my future wife, acknowledging that God's timing was right, not mine. I prayed for about 10 minutes, and then something I will never forget happened.

It's amazing how God answers prayer, isn't it? How that answer just appears suddenly is truly something. Right after I finished praying I went on Facebook and the very first thing that popped up in my feed was a picture with the words:

"Your love story is being written right now by God."

I was floored. This was no coincidence, for the Christian knows inside when a prayer has been answered. It was then when I fully realized that there's no reason to be sad when I have Jesus in my heart. Everything else that is good will come in time, but His timing, not mine. Right now, my mission is to grow spiritually.

As I look back on this year's Valentine's Day, I am bursting with a new-found inner joy. Jesus is the ultimate valentine, for he displayed the greatest love: dying on the Cross for my sins. Being sad on the day would be a disservice to that sacrifice. So, give thanks everyday. Pray continually. God answers, in His way, in His time.

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